Ingest Formats
The following table lists supported ingest formats.
Type | Formats |
Video Codecs |
Audio Codecs |
File Names
During the ingestion process, the source file name will need to be passed as part of an API request URL. For that reason, the name must be URI compatible. Avoid the following in source file names for all videos and assets:
- Spaces: instead of
- Special characters: do not use the following characters in source file names:
"!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "?", "/", "\", "{", "}", "[", "]"
Supported file formats
Video files
Since Brightcove supports so many video input types, it is actually more helpful to talk about the formats we do not support. At the moment, there are only a few. The list below shows the formats not supported for Video Cloud.
Apple Intermediate
HDV 720p60
Go2Meeting3 (G2M3)
Avid Meridien Uncompressed
Windows Media Audio Lossless
- partly supported; there are variants that can come from the software used to encode the source, or from OS, that make the source unusable by Video Cloud. We are still trying to identify the exact factors that cause problems.SWF
Special cases
- Content encrypted with KMS is supported but requires that you pre-sign your object URLs, ala what is outlined here:
Steps to implement:
- Create a KMS managed encrypted bucket
- Add the Video Cloud/Zencoder Ingest Policy
- Create a pre-signed URL using the KMS key
- Use this URL when ingesting the video
Aside from those listed above, we believe we support pretty much all known video formats. If you have problems with another video format, please Contact Brightcove Support and also let Brightcove Learning Services know.
Audio files
Most formats are supported, except when they get over 8 channels of audio. (And the audio must either be configured as a single multichannel track, or multiple mono tracks.)
Closed Caption files
Ingesting Closed Caption Files. Note that HTML5 web players like the Brightcove and Ooyala players require WebVTT captions. If you ingest DFXP or SRT captions, they will automatically be converted to WebVTT. For remote asset captions, you must use the WebVTT format.
Thumbnail and poster files
jpg, jpeg, png, and gif
Best Practices
The following recommendations will help ensure that your source files are ready to provide the best possible results.Progressive scan, de-interlaced
Source video should be progressive scan (progressive, non-interlaced, de-interlaced) before uploading to Video Cloud. Although Ooyala can de-interlace the content when processing the source video, we recommend that, if you have the resources, you do this before ingesting. This allows you to confirm the quality of your video source assets at the quality control stage of your editorial workflow.